miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2008


1. If we work better, we will be on the top list
2. We would wait for the reduction, If we administrated our money
3.We´ll open 2 more offices, If we have high sales
4. We would sell overseas, If we had experience
5. We will have the report for tomorrow, If we work in team
6. We would pay more, If we were a reach people

Vocabulary units 6,7 and 8

dominate.- for example when in the market a brand have a major part of tarjet
build: to build a ship
cynical: you are a cynical person
consumer: he is a consumer of soda
competition: an athletic competition is very intersting
markets: food market is extrimily demanded
effective: those pills are very effective
pitch: to pitch a tent
customers: the bank neds attract customers
marketers: in the street market are some marketers of clothes
impressed: to impresed a brand logo
credit records: I need a credit record
layoffs: pepsicola company have much layoffs with its staff
overheads: buy something that is important for the company
high-speed: I would like to have a car wlth high-speed
data networks: the computer has a longer data networks
backlash: the company neds to be careful with backlash in the economy
labour costs: They don´t be careful with the labour costs
job creation: they have a new job creation for this year
foreign markets: in Mexico are enter mucho foreing markets
economic development: Our city neds economic develop we are in crisis
investor-friendly: a person who give money
efficiency: If you work with efficiency. you will have sucsessfull
corporate financial information: today give us the financial situation in the meeting
internet: web
databases: telemarketing has some databases
demand: in this period increase clothes demand
cheap telecoms: to buy this service a low price
retailer: who buy a lot
dealers: distribution
wholesalers: buy a lot
in debt: I´m in debt with Sears
oversee: he oversee the production
issues: they want to issues in a magazine
deliveries: like DHL
suppliers: the company has many suppliers